Summer Camp Anastasia Youth EditionTuition

Anastasia Camp

Every Saturday at 8:54 AM
from 02/15/2025 to 12/31/1969

You are registering on the waiting list.  Do not pay the tuition at this time.  Use the PAY LATER option,  which will generate an invoice to you.  If a space becomes available you will be notified BY EMAIL, and you will then have 24 hours to claim your child's slot before the next child on the list is given the opportunity to enroll.  You will then be able to pay the  invoice and secure your child's spot in camp. 

If you have questions, please text the theatre manager at 205-910-0403.  

Thank you for supporting ACTA Jr.

  Enter contact information
Please share the email or phone number you would like to be contacted at when your waitlist status is updated.
Please add an alternate phone number we can call in case your primary number is unreachable.
Youth S
Youth M
Youth L
Adult S
Adult M
Adult L
Adult XL
Behavior is managed to ensure safety and enjoyment for all involved. Children are expected to behave appropriately at all times. If it seems that the child’s behavior cannot be controlled by the teacher/director, the parent or guardian may be called to pick up the child. ACTA reserves the right to dismiss a participant for any behavior that may be inappropriate for the workshop. The workshop staff is unable to provide one-on-one behavior management.

At no time is a child left unsupervised. The workshop is organized in such a way that the teacher/student ratio is kept to a level to ensure safety.

Medications cannot be given by any ACTA employee or volunteer. Participants must be able to take medications without assistance.

If your child becomes sick during the workshop, the staff will call the parent or guardian, then the emergency number.

If your child has special needs, please indicate this on the registration form. We will do our very best to accommodate them.

No use of cell phones will be allowed during the theatre camp. If a problem develops, cell phones may be held by the director until the end of the day. A telephone is available in the office in case of emergencies.

Can Parents or Guardians Stay? Children usually feel inhibited around their parents or guardians when they are performing. It is often best for the child if the parent or guardian leaves them. We have several adults on hand to assist the children in every way.

Please make sure that your child wears comfortable clothing during the workshop, as they will be moving and dancing. They will need comfortable shoes with closed toes and closed heels. They may bring their dance shoes.

Each child will need to bring their own snacks each day and a bottle of water.

Costumes: Tuition includes costumes. Campers will need to provide their own base layer and proper shoes for performance - more details will come after casting.
I have read and understand the policies above.
Summer Camp Imformation
Anastasia Youth Edition

Camp Dates:
June 2 - June 13, 2025

The camp is for students ages 9-18.
The camp will run for two weeks, Mondays thru Fridays from 8am-12pm.
The camp will be limited to 40 students.

Friday (June 13th) @7:00pm,
Saturday (June 14th) @2:30 and 7:00pm and
Sunday (June 15th) @2:30pm

Tuition includes 4 comp tickets for each family, the student’s costume, and an electronic link to the professional video of the production. DVDs may be purchased for $5 each.


Auditions will be held on May 14th and 15th. Once we have compiled the list of registrants, you will be emailed a link to sign up for an audition time and will be given more information about how to help your camper prepare for their placement audition.
Parents will be contacted the Friday following auditions with their child's role in the camp. Students will receive their scripts at auditions.

You will be able to make your payment on the submission screen after filling out this registration form. Please contact the theatre manager for questions regarding payments.
Students are strongly encouraged to memorize their lines and song lyrics before camp begins.

If you have any questions about our summer camp - please contact Jessica Lloyd, at or call or text 205.613.7011
I have read and understand this information and agree to complete payment by the date due.
By entering your contact information above, you agree to receiving communication from Ludus regarding your waitlist status. You will receive an email and/or text message when your waitlist status changes. Message and data rates may apply. Recipient may reply HELP for support, STOP to opt out of text messages.